Once upon a time, a Wolf, a Fox, and a Hedgehog lived together on the rolling steppes of Mongolia. One day, a long caravan of camels bearing all manner of goods from faraway lands passed near their home. When the dust raised by the caravan had settled, the three firends discovered a little plum that had fallen from one of the many sacks.
The animals had heard about plums, but none had ever seen one, let alone tasted one. They began to discuss which of them should have the priviledge of eating this exotic fruit: there was only enough for one.
After a long debate, the friends finally agreed to a contest. It was the Wolf who had the idea:
“I know!” he cried. “I think the one who gets drunk on airak the quickest should have the pleasure of eating this plum!”
Thinking, of course, that he would win, the Wolf continued:
“As for me, I get drunk after just one sip of airak!”
“The Fox was next to speak, and knowing that he was much smarter than the Wolf, he said: “That’s nothing! I get drunk just by smelling airak!”
The last to speak was the Hedgehog, whom the others looked down upon because he was so small. He told his friends:
“Well, its very said for me, but I get drunk just by hearing about airak!”
And with that, the Hedgehog swayed as if he were drunk.
The other animals had to admit that this clearly made the Hedgehog the winner. But before the Hedgehog could open his mouth to eat his prize, the envious Fox shouted:
“Wait! I have another idea. We need a second contest. I think that the one of us who runs the fastest should get to eat the plum!”
They all agreed to this second match, and prepared themselves for the race. The Hedgehog, who knew he stood no chance of winning because of his short legs, had already thought of a trick.
As the Wolf and the Fox took off in a cloud of dust, the Hedgehog caught hold of the fluffy tail of the Fox, and held on tight.
Just before the speedy Fox crossed the finish line, he stopped and looked back to check where the others were. At that moment, the little Hedgehog dropped off his tail, scurried under his belly, and from the winning side of the finish line called out:
“Well, hello there Mr. Fox! Hello Mr. Wolf! I see you’ve finally arrived! What took you so long?”
This is how the Hedgehog also won the second contest.
As the Wolf and the Fox looked on enviously, the clever little Hedgehog gobbled up the plum.
And a plum never tasted better.
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